Friday, January 15, 2010

What's in your lungs?


  1. carbon monoxide, sulfer dioxide, CFCs, and nitrogen oxides, but to all those who complain, i say at least it does not smell like cow manure like it does in less polluted states (including texas, dave). i would rather live where i will die prematurely from poisonous gases that i can't smell rather than live to a ripe old age with the scent of cow excrement permanently embedded in my clothing and skin...

  2. as a disclaimer, that was 90% dramatic and 10% true...

  3. truly nasty. I don't miss that one bit. But I do miss you. And so does S. I told her the story of Old Queen the other day and got to the part about the calf. She said, "hey, that's you." I thought about it for a minute, and realized that she has heard you call me "Kaff." Now I like it even more. Wiggle your thingers!!!
